C4TC Episode: Exile 2
The Furnace, The Fire and The Prophets
This was during the time of the Prophet Jeremiah with letters, prophecies to the exiles in Babylonia. He sent letters to the exiles in Babylonia to clarify that the redemption would come only after seventy years and they should therefore build strong Judean families and communities in Babylonia. He also explained the reason for the length of the exile and spiritual achievements that the nation could realize in exile. In this episode, we are going to discuss a scenario that was happening with the prophets and the turmoil doing harm not only to the Judean people but the Babylonian people in Yahuah’s Name. Also, the consequences of the actions of these prophets. Fire is a cleanser…
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Chayah Eishet Chayil
Chayah beit Eloah
Check out this episode! from Chayah 4 The Chosen's Sheliyahh Janet E Brown
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