Intercession For My Talmidim Nov 16 2015

Usually, this intercession is only given unto those whom Eloah has placed in my care to train in leadership and general ministry.  However, He has directed me to release this to the general public.  This does not happen often.

Do enjoy and My Tefillah [prayer] 4 U is that it will give you strength during your days of your life journey. /sjeb

Check out this episode! from Chayah 4 The Chosen's Sheliyahh Janet E Brown

Time to Decrease your Liabilities

TITLE: Time to Decrease your Liabilities

Location: Chayah 4 The Podcast of Sheliyahh Janet E Brown

Host: Sheliyahh Janet E Brown

Date & Time: 9/23/2015 @ 7:00 pm [10 Tishrei 5776]

Contact Information:


This is the season getting back in, at-one-ment.

 When someone transgresses G-d's will, two things happen. The sinner earns a punishment for disobeying G-d and, in addition, his resistance to further sins becomes weaker, because sinfulness becomes a habit, and once someone commits a misdeed, it becomes more likely that he will sin again.

 Atonement/at-one-ment removes the liability to punishment...time to decrease/   reduce your liability.


  1. The state of being responsible for something, especially by law
  2. a person or thing whose presence or behavior is likely to cause embarrassment or put one at a disadvantage.



Website shall be fully operational October 1, 2015

Chayah 4 The Chosen Website


Listening Choices Below!  Please take a moment at any of the sites in which you listen to do a review, click stars to let me and the owners of the systems know how well I am doing.  Also, to let me know that you visited. I appreciate you and thank you. Shalum

 You can gain access to the broadcast here at the event and also on my profile pages, groups and pages I admin:

 There are in the "about" section of Facebook. We look forward to upgrading the temporary blog page to website that shall house the blog page.


Blogger blog page

 Stitcher NOTE: note: the rest of the link.  Due to the underline you cannot see the letter "j" if you are directly putting in the link.  All links are clickable.

You can get the "FREE" app in Android Store and Apple Store; also at the website:  You can organize your own play list.  This link above takes you straight to my Stitcher Podcast Page. Be sure to rate my show; I greatly appreciate it.


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Chayah 4 The Chosen


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Check out this episode! from Chayah 4 The Chosen's Sheliyahh Janet E Brown

The Day Star of Bethlehem

The Day Star of Bethlehem Part II

As we are getting closer to completing the construction of this tapestry, in this episode we are going to further unveil TRUTH in regards to the errors of the Nativity Story.

We will discuss:

  • Migdal Eder (The Tower of Eder)
  • Connection of Yehoshua's Birth and Migdal Eder
  • Additional Information about Sheep
  • The Announcement to the Shepherds and the Identification of the Babe in Swaddling Clothes

This leads to the episode "We Three Kings" in which all of these threads, intertwined into a tapestry of TRUTH as the commercialization of the Birth of Yehoshua has covered what Elohim's divine understanding & purpose for the Day Star of Bethlehem.


"Bethlehem" is from the Hebrew בית לחם (beit-lechem), which  means "House of Bread." The Messiah is the "bread of life" (John 6:35).

And Yehoshua said to them, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never hunger, and he who believes in me will never thirst."

5 They told him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for so it is written by the prophet:

6 “‘And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’” Matthew 2:1-6

The Star of Bethlehem to fulfill a prophecy in Numbers 24:17, “I shall see him [God], but not now. I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel.”

 The Book of Revelation has Yehoshua saying of himself, “I am the root and offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.1 The apostle Peter also mentioned that Yehoshua was symbolically associated with “the day star.”

Micah 5:2

"Thou Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall He come forth unto me that is to be the ruler of Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting."



Listening Choices Below!  Please take a moment at any of the sites in which you listen to do a review, click stars to let me and the owners of the systems know how well I am doing.  Also, to let me know that you visited.  I appreciate you and thank you. Shalum


You can gain access to the broadcast at the choices below.  In addition, all episodes are published here at the event and also on my profile pages, groups and pages I admin.  Chayah 4 The Chosen has a Facebook Page and all episodes are published there.


  We look forward to upgrading that shall house a fully operational web site including the blog.


Blogger blog page


Available Mediums to Listen to Episodes:


Sheliyahh Janet E Brown C4TC Podcast Link


C4TC Directory Link:


RSS Feed - Subscribe



You can get the "FREE" app in Android Store and Apple Store; also at the website:  You can organize your own play list.  This link above takes you straight to my Stitcher Podcast Page. Be sure to rate my show; I greatly appreciate it.


C4TC shall have its app by early Spring is our goal.




C4TC Podcast Facebook Page


Social Media Links

Twitter  Note: the letter "e" is left out as there was no room to include, so it is spelled correctly to get to the site.



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About Me:


My Facebook page


Website: Forthcoming, TBA

Check out this episode! from Chayah 4 The Chosen's Sheliyahh Janet E Brown

A Formidable Warriors Prayer - Public


This is the BONUS TRACK to the Episode

"Are you a Formidable Warrior?" as I wanted

to make sure everyone was able to get a copy

as the smartphone version is not available yet.

We are in the process of developing an app for you

to download directly to your phone so you will not

miss the episodes.  Esher Shulem...Sheliyahh Janet


If you have not heard the Episode, "Are You a Formidable Warrior?" you can listen click link Are You a Formidable Warrior?

Check out this episode! from Chayah 4 The Chosen's Sheliyahh Janet E Brown